February 25, 2024 – Second Sunday of Lent Focus Scriptures: Romans 4:13-25 and Mark 8:31-38 Covenants of Life Our faith, active trust in God, is central to our lives as Christians. When we have faith in God and faith that Jesus Christ is who he said he is – the son of God, The Way, The Truth, and The Life – we are entering into a sacred covenant of life that makes us understand why Jesus Christ came into the world in the first place. There are five central covenants on which our faith is built, covenants in the Bible going back to the covenant with Noah that we discussed with the children last week. From there, we move to the covenant we heard about this morning, God’s covenant with Abraham, a covenant that said he would be the father of many nations due to his faithfulness. From there we move to the Mosaic covenant. God gave the Israelites the law in the desert after leading them out of Egypt. God said, “I will be your God, and you will be my people.” And from this law, we s...
Thoughts on living the Christian life and sermons delivered by the pastor of First UMC in Shelton, Connecticut. I give the credit to God if this helps you, and I take the blame if it doesn't. Peace, all.