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Showing posts from February, 2023

Book Study Invitation: "Rediscovering Humility" by Christopher Hutchinson

Christopher Hutchinson, Senior Pastor of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg, Virginia published Rediscovering Humility: Why the Way Up is Down  in 2018. I stumbled upon it when Tim Keller shared his recommendation of the book in a social media post in 2022.  Here is a link to Keller's recommendation:   As I have read some of Keller's books and found each one engaging and worthwhile, I thought I would follow his advice and get a copy of Humility.  As soon as it arrived, I jumped in. Fast forward to 2023. For whatever reason - I think it was a Holy Spirit nudge - it crossed my mind while hiking during one of our weird, spring-like February Sundays in Connecticut to lead a study of the book. I also thought, "It would be fun to invite the author, too."  Well, here we are! Chris could not have been more gracious when I contacted him with my big ask: Will you join us for a session of our stu...