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Book Study Invitation: "Rediscovering Humility" by Christopher Hutchinson

Christopher Hutchinson, Senior Pastor of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg, Virginia published Rediscovering Humility: Why the Way Up is Down in 2018. I stumbled upon it when Tim Keller shared his recommendation of the book in a social media post in 2022. 

Here is a link to Keller's recommendation: 

As I have read some of Keller's books and found each one engaging and worthwhile, I thought I would follow his advice and get a copy of Humility. As soon as it arrived, I jumped in.

Fast forward to 2023. For whatever reason - I think it was a Holy Spirit nudge - it crossed my mind while hiking during one of our weird, spring-like February Sundays in Connecticut to lead a study of the book. I also thought, "It would be fun to invite the author, too." 

Well, here we are!

Chris could not have been more gracious when I contacted him with my big ask: Will you join us for a session of our study? He agreed.

I will type it again: Chris Hutchinson will join us for one of our sessions! (The date is to be determined.) He also provided some terrific questions to inspire our conversations. 

I will be facilitating a study of the book starting in March 2023. Would you like to join us? Great! See the Google Forms link below to sign up. Here are details:

Sessions will be Tuesday evenings on the following dates from 7:00 - 8:30 PM Eastern time.

March 14 and 21

April 4, 11, 18, and 25

Important: You do not need to attend every session. If you can make most, do it. If you can only drop in for one or two, that's fine too.

Are you not sure? Here are some resources to review:

Hutchinson's blog post: "Top Ten Reasons Why I Wrote Rediscovering Humility"

Hutchinson's blog post: "A Short Reader’s Guide to Rediscovering Humility"

If you have decided to join us, complete the registration form at the form link below. Then purchase the book and read through chapter three before the first session. I will look forward to seeing you in our sessions. 


ISBN: 978-1945270963


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